Monday, October 02, 2006

Mice get the best medical treatments

The Cheerful Oncologist is one of the wise men in blogville, and he proved it again this weekend, commenting on a study on the effects of red wine in mice prone to an Alzeimher's like disease:

"Red Wine Slows Brain Cell Damage In Mice"

Why do mice always get to receive the newest advances in medical care? Don't these scientists know that myself and probably several of my fellow ScienceBloggers would gladly volunteer for perilous experiments such as this one?

Well, what's so amazing about that? You give most anyone a tumbler of Chateau Margaux for seven months, then take it away for three days and he'll figure out pretty darn fast how to get out of that maze and into the nearest saloon.

(Note: forgive me while I try to finally learn how to do "trackback" with this post. Some of the links may not work until I do. Nevermind.)

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