Sunday, March 25, 2007

Government isn't the answer

I once told Edward Pelligrino, MD (who was advocating Government- funded health care ) that I don't have evidence that government is a good steward to carry out my duty to Jesus to care for the sick and poor.

Having spent 30 minutes in the post office on Thursday to pick up a box containing Tylenol samples I didn't order or want, I feel qualified once again to object to any movement toward Government health insurance, Government health care and don't forget the Government ID.

It's the fault of the Tylenol marketing department that there was a package at all. But, it's the fault - or nature - of government that made the process less efficient and very much less pleasant than it had to be.

Our post office has a number dispenser and a big, open space. At one time we could take the little package pickup notices to a special window. No longer. Just when everyone who wants to go Cancun or the Caribbean has to have a Passport, we have to stand in line with the people who legitimately need to have a large package weighed and postage charged. We can't even have the satisfaction of moving forward in the line, as was the case when there was a maze of counters to lean on.

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