The blogger, Nick Anthis, a graduate of Texas A&M and a Ph.D student and Rhodes scholar currently studying at Oxford, occasionally posts at his blog, Scientific Activist ("Reporting from the Crossroads of Science and Politics"). On his "About" page he warns us that "enemies of science" should "Beware!"
As part of his campaign against his "enemies," has a post from May 8, 2007 that notes "Loaded Language in Media Coverage of Embryonic Stem Cells." He accuses the New York Times(!) author, Pam Belluck, and her fellow science reporters of being "pawns of the conservative movement."
But not to worry, he gives Ms. Belluck the exact wording he would prefer:
Instead, the author could write that "President Bush objects to the necessity of what he calls the destruction of human embryos" or that "President Bush objects to the use of human embryos."
However, the commenters on the blog don't appreciate any other viewpoint, especially a clarification of whether or not "destruction of embryos" is an accurate description of the process of harvesting embryonic stem cells. That being said, surely they would benefit from hearing from us.
If you have a minute, stop by and say hello to Mr. Anthis and friends at Scientific Activist.
Edit: 05/12/07 - another broken link.
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