Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Great news from the mom of a child with diabetes (cord blood)

There's a great comment today from the mom of a boy whose Type 1 or Juvenile Diabetes is being treated with cord blood:

Darla Lindenmayer said...

My son so far has been the oldest to participate in the cord blood trial. We are excited how well it is working. My son has gone from 5 shots a day to only one and that one is being weaned down. It also has cured him of his thyroid disease which he also was diagnosed with a few months after he was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. We know the cord blood we collected is working somehow to change the molecular structure and increase his beta cell production. We hope and pray that this continues on. Dr. Haller is doing great research!!

Diabetes and thyroid disease tends to go together - more evidence for an autoimmune risk factor for Diabetes.

Thanks, Ms. Lindenmayer for giving us the update!

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