Monday, November 19, 2007

Christian Medical Association on Right to Conscience

If the scientist or doctor is driven by curiosity (and a desire for her own set of money making patents?) or because "it's legal" and patients want it, where do we draw the line between preference, opinion and conscience?

We've been discussing the significance of ethics and conscience at here at, the Women's Bioethics Blog and (The latter two "bioethics" sites, emphasize laws and science at all cost, almost to the point of dismissing ethics and, especially conscience, at all. The subject is also the theme of posts at, the blog of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity.

Now, the weekly email newsletter of the Christian Medical and Dental Association has dedicated an issue to the subject, in light of the statement (opinion?) on conscience from the The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. There are links to the statement, itself, and rebuttals by Dr. Robert Orr, and Dr. Edmund Pellegrino.

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