Sunday, March 09, 2008

"Expelled, The Movie" Conversation Continues

The many Anonymice are still discussing world views on a post from last October.

(In case you wondered where I've been:

We've had our primary, with one hotly contested local Republican race ending in a cliff-hanger. The same seat was decided by 54 votes out of about 20,000 in 2006. This time, it looks like the winner may be decided by about 38 votes out of 30,000, before the mail in ballots are counted. We're expecting a recount.

It turns out that the consequences of politics and policy became personal this last 2 months. We've spent the last year - over 14 months, now - working out a plan to remodel our 65 year old house only to find out that the city adopted the new provisional FEMA flood plain map, and we can't remodel - we have to fill in the basement, tear down the old house, and build 2-3 feet higher. I'll admit that I haven't reacted very well. But, still, the City's bureaucrat literally lost the plan for 6 weeks before telling us that the concrete-poured-in-place house and basement that's still plumb, smooth and level after more than 60 years might float up and turn on its side.)

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