The weekly newsletter, Bioedge, from the land down under is one of the better bioethics/biotechnology on-line newsletters.
Readers who consider the pro-life movement mainly as a US political matter, may be surprised by the existence of Bioedge, since it is pro-life. The publishers' aim is to:
* to promote evidence-based ethics in medicine
* to promote compassion in medical care
* to highlight the fact that medical excellence is not possible without ethical principles
* to provide high-quality up-to-date information and commentary on bioethics
* to facilitate the participation of health professionals in policy debates on bioethics
This week's headlines include
"Stem cell scientists seek to shed snake oil image"
"California euthanasia lobby scores victory"
"Nature attacks ‘human dignity’"
"Surprise on operating table"
"US Catholic bishops reject embryonic stem cell research"
I', not sure what 'evidence-based ethics' means, but we could certinly use more attention on promoting evidence-based medicine. Sometimes it seems like the woo is taking over. Acupuncture, chinese medicine, homeopathy, chiropracty, spiritual healing, ear candling, magnetic bracelets, unneeded suppliments, a million different ideas that are either useless or outright scams, all of them offering a false hope of healing.
Do medical professionals have any type of ethical duty to fight the ignorance that lets such lies florish?
MD's and DO's who oppose "alternate" styles are also called Nazi's.
Of course, some of us are Control Freaks, but that doesn't mean that there's some huge AMA Conspiracy to Keep The People From Knowing About The Cure for Cancer Because Big Pharm Can't Make Money, etc.
I tell people that I know there are things we can't measure, yet. Homeopathic treatments test out better than placebo, and I flat can't explain that.
However, in the meantime, I love measurements and I prefer to use tested, measured treatments.
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