Saturday, March 07, 2009

Obama will fund more losing embryonic stem cell research (New Yellow Brick Award to the President)

Just days after we hear about functioning induced Pluripotent stem cells from adult skin cells, cells that can produce dopamine, the proteins missing in Parkinson's disease, we read that President Obama is going to overturn the limits on funding for embryonic stem cell research. Despite the fact that these cells match the patient because they come from the patient, that they will be cheaper, more accessible and we believe have less risk of causing cancer, this Monday morning, the 9th of March, 2009, the White House plans a quiet ceremony to sign the Executive Order.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road, Mr. President. The great embryonic Oz will get you home. Do not look behind the curtain, ignore that little man.

"Stroke of the pen, law of the land. Kinda cool!" (Thank you, Paul Begala.) We've been trying to spend a Trillion dollars every 10 days in the Obama administration. Let's just throw more good money after bad.

Typical of the news articles, is this one, from the US News and World Report, entitled (sigh)"Obama to End Stem Cell Ban Monday
Researchers applaud his action, which is expected to kick-start efforts to unlock therapeutic potential."

I recommend that you read that link above, in order to compare reality with what the proponents of destructive embryonic stem cell research believe.

The article is so full of holes. The title and first paragraph say "ban." There never was a ban. Ask Daley and Melton of Harvard who have been creating embryos for destruction to harvest the parts.

And then, there's this gem of an emotional non sequitor, I'm afraid from my State of Texas:

"It's going to remove an embarrassment for American science," said Dr. Darwin Prockop, director of the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Scott & White Hospital in Temple, said in February. "It's a statement that we're going to again believe in science."

Prockup must have been teased too much about his name as a child. Seriously, who among us stopped and now started to believe in science again?

We are not behind, we are not embarrassed, unless it's in imposing regulations. Even the "Progressives" are calling for more restrictions. The UK has more regulations on regenerative medicine and embryonic research than the US. France, Germany and Israel have similar limits on funding. Germany, at one time had criminal charges and fines attached to their ban.

CIRM has $3 Billion which must be spent on cloning and embryonic stem cell research. Their "Strategic Plan?" (This is a pdf, for a review, read this article at the CIRM website.) One cure and 2 trials in ten years. Who thinks the US is going to top their billions in embryonic research, when results with induced Stem Cells are bounding ahead?

Oh, I know, CIRM thinks the NIH should buy their $400 Million in bonds, this year. No one else wants the losing proposition.


bmmg39 said...

No one can hyperbolize like the ESCR lobby.

bmmg39 said...

By the way, U.S. NEWS isn't a total loss: said...

Boy, I'm glad that I didn't say the "obviously liberal US News and World Report."