Friday, September 25, 2009

Don't laugh: Nanoparticle rub for impotence

The next addiction? The next big scare? Most definitely the next big joke.

What about the man's sperm? And what about the female partner? How much of a dose will she and her DNA receive.

What are nano particles, anyway? (Don't answer that, I know the text-book answer.)

There is a report of a new topical cream that delivers medication by using nanoparticles to deliver the drug - such as nitrous oxide, in the case of impotence - through the skin.

Just think about the marketing technology: beauty, sex and the latest nanomedicine.  And it doesn't hurt (that we know of).

Get ready to mute your TV if the kids are in the room. The jokes will be risque,' to say the least.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The hard part (if you'll pardon that pun) will be determining if the study drug cures the problem or if the same can be accomplished effectively with a placebo rub.