Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Bioethics Bias and Prejudice

Seems everyone in bioethics is discussing bias these days and accusing the "opposition" of prejudice.

Interesting discussion and comments over the weekend at Bioethics.net blog, with Glen McGee fussin' about Nigel Cameron's fussin' about him and Art Caplan. Be sure and read the comments from the 13th, where Dr. Cameron fusses back - with a response to the response by Dr. McGee. I wish we had more of this sort of discussion going on - maybe communication could yeild common ground.

Today's National Review Online includes a report by David Klinghoffer on what can happen when the biases overcome professionalism and even smart management. The story is about the harrassment charges from Richard von Sternberg against his bosses at the Smithsonian Institute. Dr. von Sternberg is making the case that he was subjected to a hostile work environment after reviewing an article which seriously mentioned Intelligent Design. Superiors and colleagues asked around about von Sternberg's religious affiliations and gossiped enough to risk damage to the biologist's professional reputation.

Speaking of religious and a-religious bias - this week's front page at the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity features an article by Sarah J. Flashing, MA, on the impossibility of being without bias.

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