Thursday, August 11, 2005

Redefining Humans

My last post referred to getting ahead of technology.

But some of the Senators in Washington are doing their best to move us backwards with their false cloning ban, a repeat of legislation from the past. SB 1520 redefines humans as being implanted.

Which at least notes the humanity of the great majority of those babies aborted, but completely ignores human embryology, taxonomy and common sense.

But, history shows that we all grow when our definition of which members of our species is human, rather than when we limit that membership.


Summyb said...

I'm very proud of what you have accomplished. Here's a funny to keep you going... said...

Yeah, that's it: point me to an incredibly beautifully done blog.

Oh well. "Teach your children well..." (Crosby,Stills and Nash, way back there)