Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Feminists for Life On Point

Today, the NPR show, On Point interviewed Serrin Foster and other members of the pro-life, pro-woman and -child organization, Feminists for Life.

I'm proud to be a member and give my own mother a membership each year. I also give and own some of FFL's "covetable stuff," which includes a their great logos and slogans. (I'm not a master at webbing, so be sure and check their page for a look at the happy female stick figure that is their mascot.

FFL is a great example of consistent life ethics. The organization works to increase the public's knowledge of early feminist leaders and the importance of increasing opportunities that support (or are at least neutral toward) pregnant women, mothers, and children.

FFL does more than teach and spout their "on point" (and trademarked) slogans such as "Women deserve better" (than abortion)and "Refuse to Choose". FFL has a College Outreach Program which is making a difference for pregnant and parenting students all over our country.

You should be able to listen to the archived program at the On Point website. It's in the second hour.

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